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du stands for disk usage. This simple linux command provides a summary of harddisk or storage space disk usage. It has many parameter argume...
When developing applications, it is common to interact with various tools that require a network connection to function correctly. However, ...
Function to convert UTF-8 to WIN-1251 charset. function iconv-win1251 { if [ ${1%\.*} == ${1##*\.} ]; then newfile="$1-win1251...
Linux is at the forefront of web development. Recently, I've been developing web applications using frameworks, and Linux in general mak...
A remote Windows PC can easily be shutdown, assuming you have Samba installed on your Linux box, and you have a user account on the Windows ...
If you have a ton of images that need resizing, you can do it all with the imagemagick package: cd /home/user/images mkdir resized_image...
Started a dd but wondering what the progress is? I haven’t found a way to do a verbose mode for dd, but this command seems to do the trick. ...
Pidgin, previously known as Gaim, is a multi-protocol instant messaging client for Linux, BSD, MacOS X, and Windows. Pidgin messenger is com...
MooLux is a Live USB Linux distribution based on Slackware that utilizes the KDE desktop environment. MooLux is a portable operating sys...