USB MooLux Live Install from Windows


The following tutorial covers the process of installing MooLux Linux LIVE to a USB Flash Drive using Windows. MooLux is a Live USB Linux distribution based on Slackware that utilizes the KDE desktop environment. MooLux is a portable operating system that can be taken with you containing tools for Internet browsing, email, chat, multimedia, office and software for C, Python, Perl programming tasks.

USB Moolux Flash Drive creation essentials:
  • 1GB or Larger USB Flash Drive (Fat16 or Fat32 formatted)
  • Windows XP PC to create the MooLux USB Drive
  • HP USB Format Tool
  • MooLux

Linux MooLux Flash Drive creation process:
  1. Download the HP USB format tool and format your Thumb Drive as Fat16 or Fat32
  2. Download the MooLux zip
  3. Extract the contents of the Zip to your USB device
  4. Navigate to the boot directory on the USB device
  5. Click bootinst.bat to install the grub loader and make the device bootable
  6. Reboot your PC and set your system BIOS or Boot Menu to boot from the USB device, save your changes and reboot booting from the USB memory stick

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