Slackware 13.0 released

Slackware 13.0 has been released. This new version of Slackware is considered a landmark release and contains many new features. The most prominent are as follows …

  1. An official 64-bit port of Slackware
  2. Linux kernel is the default kernel in Slackware 13.
  3. KDE 4 (version 4.2.4) is the default desktop. Previous version of Slackware had KDE 3 bundled with it.
  4. Xfce 4.6.1 desktop.
  5. X11 based on the X.Org Foundation’s modular X Window System.
  6. Support for fully encrypted network connections with OpenSSL,
    OpenSSH, OpenVPN, and GnuPG.
  7. Latest version of Firefox (3.5.2) web browser
  8. An extra repository contain complied and ready to run software such as Java 2, Intel video drivers for X, an Mplayer browser plugin and so on.

… and much more.

You can download Slackware 13 from one of its official mirror sites. You may also choose to support the continued development of Slackware Linux by buying a set of CDs or a DVD set from the Slackware store

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