Pidgin 2.5.8 released

Pidgin users have been facing several issues with Yahoo and MSN protocols in the recent times. The developers had released a new version that fixed some of those problems.They have fixed some more issues in the latest release.Pidgin 2.5.8 is now available as a free download.
Fix misparsing a web message as an SMS message. (Yuriy Kaminskiy)

Increase NS command history size to prevent crashes on buddy lists that have a lot of buddies on other networks like Yahoo!

• MySpace
Accounts with empty buddy lists are now properly marked as connected.
Fix receiving messages from users of MySpace IM’s web client.

• Yahoo
Fixed phantom online buddies. They should now properly disappear when signing out.
Fixed the crashes some users were seeing with in 2.5.7.
Fixed compiling on systems with glib 2.4.x or older.
Fixed an issue with file transfers. This may not resolve all issues, but it should resolve at least some of the most common ones.
The pager server will automatically update to if the user empties the field or if it is This should ease the pain of transition to the new login method.

Fix an incompatibility between Prosody and libpurple clients.

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